Meet Our UK Team

We are a crack team of speaker specialists with more years under our belts than we care to mention but it does make us one of the most experienced teams in the Industry. Our Consultants bring their expertise and skills to provide you with tailored solutions as we believe there is a perfect speaker and personality for every audience. It’s what we do, it’s what we love to do – whatever you want to achieve, our team are here to help.



    CSA Director
    CSA Director

    Sandra is passionate about the positive force that speakers can deliver to the world of business. She sees CSA as agents of change in helping make the world a better place as for every person in an audience that is uplifted and empowered by a speaker, then we are doing good. We are enhancing lives and the benefits that brings to our clients and that’s what counts to her. Ever present with care and support to CSA, she walks the talk. With her legal background and 30+ years at CSA, her experience is extensive and if we or our clients need sage or legal input she is there 24/7-well almost! Learn more


    CSA Director
    CSA Director

    Dagmar’s love of speakers and what they can bring to clients in the corporate world, is legendary and makes her a Grande-Dame of the speaker industry. Her knowledge never ceases to amaze and enables her to find perfect solutions for clients in this fast moving and expanding world. Dagmar found her home at CSA after working with celebrity guests in Frankfurt and time in front & behind the cameras in the fashion world. Her heritage facilitated CSA’s growth with its first international office in Germany many moons ago and she still loves every moment discovering everything new and exciting that our speakers have to offer. Learn more


    Senior Speaker Consultant
    Senior Speaker Consultant

    Dan loves the intellectual challenge of the ‘match’ – which speakers are perfect to meet the multi-faceted requirements of our client’s business? Culture & Style are an integral part of Dan which, with his event production background and 18 years of speaker specialism with CSA, informs his deep understanding of the commercial nuances that clients require to add value to their events and meetings. All for clients to get the best of their speaker experience and enjoy the applause! Learn more


    Senior Speaker Consultant
    Senior Speaker Consultant

    The precision of Nicholas’s mental powers fuels his seemingly unending knowledge of speakers and what will make them unique to serve our clients. His interest in what’s happening in the world and who is doing what means he finds speakers that don’t know they are speakers, for us to deliver to the world. With 15 years at CSA, he truly appreciates the power of what extraordinary thought leaders and inspirational speakers can bring to an audience. Learn more


    Senior Speaker Consultant
    Senior Speaker Consultant

    Helen’s unique cultural fusion and understanding of global business inspires her love to ignite ideas and fulfil our clients’ commercial ambitions with speakers from across the planet. With 15 years at CSA honing her skills, she will leave no speaker unturned or place unexplored in her quest to find the perfect fit. Helen’s commitment to clients often across various time zones is impressive reflecting her care for clients to feel fully supported no matter what time of the day. Learn more


    Senior Speaker Consultant
    Senior Speaker Consultant

    Nick brings laser focus and diverse thinking to support the differing needs of our clients. With an international background and 10+ years at CSA, he is a consummate professional who loves a standing ovation as a mark of a job well done and returning to the office buzzing as much as the rest of the audience. His verve for life and joy of working with so many of his heroes whether his sporting gods or those who overcome adversity, keeps Nick a true live wire. Learn more


    Speaker Consultant
    Speaker Consultant

    How lucky we were to find Sara: committed, professional with a maturity beyond her years driven to discover speakers to serve clients in the Middle East (where she grew up), Asia and beyond. Her care and fresh outlook entwined with the wisdom and experience of our team enhances the enriching force she is able to bring to clients. Sara works with Helen and CSA India as her Asian heritage and knowledge are invaluable to clients and speakers alike. Learn more


    Speaker Consultant
    Speaker Consultant

    With a background in business working across Europe, Carsten joined CSA 10 years ago. At home with European, and in particular Central European commercial and social developments, Carsten provides clients with unique insights and solutions when looking for a speaker. Fluent in 3 languages, Carsten is as dependable as he is professional. His love for motorbikes is the only thing that competes with his passion for the speaker industry! Learn more


    Accountant Assistant
    Accountant Assistant

    Angie is a valued partner to Yvonne, making sure nothing is overlooked. She is wickedly organised and with a light but firm touch she follows up with all things financial making sure our clients and speakers can rest easy that everything is covered. Not so secret fact: when not financially or family occupied, Angie loves a great Soul Night out with her friends! Learn more


    IT Manager
    IT Manager

    CSA’s Global Speaker Resource is charged to the care of Przemek, our steady-handed database expert who keeps our information safe, secure and sacred along with everything that is IT/Data based. So important in this digital world and with his 15+ CSA years, he is certainly our speaker industry expert and Captain keeping us ahead of the curve. Not so secret fact: Przemek loves everything Italian from ski-ing in the Dolomites to sailing in the summer breeze of the Mediterranean. Learn more


    Digital Media Designer
    Digital Media Designer

    Peter is second to none in creating evocative images of our speakers to bring them alive and help convey the essence of their onstage and offstage presence. It takes precision and painstaking attention to detail but so worth it for our clients to be moved by the energy conveyed whether on our website or in our other tailored content. With 10+ years supporting all CSA’s offices, Peter has earned his stripes for all things media, design and IT support as his knowledge is boundless. Not so secret fact: Peter’s downtime is spent exploring Japanese pop culture and music! Learn more

Get in touch

Our consultants have the expertise and knowledge to find your perfect speaker and make your vision a reality.

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